Pink Tag Prints…

Pink Tag Prints was started by a design company in 2016 and was/is successfully trading on a few selling platforms including eBay and Etsy. In late 2019 they approached us to ask to place them within their own platform via a website.

They asked for and expected a few simple things which we were happy to deliver on.

  • Logo design with the only brief been the desired name, Pink Tag Prints.
  • An easy to use CMS, Content Management System.
  • Unlimited image hosting for all the expected products.
  • Something as clean and similar to one of our existing client sites.
  • The set up of social media with a matching name across Instagram, FaceBook Page, Twitter and our recommended Pinterest.
  • Help and advice for 4 staff members on how to use the system once live.
  • Integration into a live card payment system as well as PayPal.
  • Finally, and most importantly, the site be secure.

All of the above was achieved within only a few short weeks.